I have lived in Alabama most of my life, minus the three years I spent in Missouri where I met my husband, Tim.  We met at a wedding and weddings have held a special place in my heart ever since. 

My life is driven by Jesus, a story of beauty from ashes. I started photography at 16 when my dad bought me my first camera. A couple years later, I devastatingly lost both a sister and my dad. I was broken and tucked away the camera. But by God's grace and kindness, my heart was restored. I met and married Tim, and through his encouragement, I was able to dream again. I bought a brand new camera and I haven't put it down since! 

get    to know me

wife, mom, photographer

my whole world!


My business would not exist without my family. My husband, Tim, is my best friend and has encouraged me through all the highs and lows. Along with this business I get to pursue ministry by his side which is a dream come true!

We have a little girl, Selah. Her name comes from Psalms and it means "to pause and reflect". She is fearless, driven, and happy as can be! She has us wrapped around her finger.

We have a baby boy, Samuel. He is our happy, sweet Sammy! He has the best hair and best cuddles. After growing up in a house full of girls, God knew how much I needed this boy!

I met my husband at a wedding

It was love at first donut ;)

I’m not a salad with dressing on the side kinda gal. 

I HATE coffee and have never had a full cup.

How I have survived both college and having a baby I will never know. 

I could recite and perform all Pitch Perfect movies

Well maybe not perform but I’m kind of obsessed.

My husband and I have a bucket list

 Our goal is to travel to all 50 states.

I lived in Kansas City for a year so you guessed it

I became a huge Chiefs fan!

fun facts

Do I seem like your kinda gal?

let's be friends